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Weight Loss for Everyone: NSV: Overate this morning and still full

Sunday, September 4, 2022

NSV: Overate this morning and still full

I grew up as an overfed child. Youngest of three, my mom served us all the same portion size and we HAD to finish our food in order to have dessert (which of course I wanted!). I realized in my 20's that I had zero concept of fullness. I could eat until my esophagus filled and feel no different.

I started CICO this past June and have lost 25 pounds so far. The last couple of days, I went out with friends and splurged a bit. No problem, I'll cut back today... until my friend came over this morning unexpectedly to talk about some issues. We went out for brunch and I over ate somewhat. Not crazy - I still chose healthier choices like eggs and fruit over pancakes, but it was far more than I had planned for breakfast.

The victory - a full 8 hours later and I'm still totally full. I am craving eating because it feels like a time to eat, but I can actually tell that my stomach is NOT hungry. So, I'll have a pack of nori to satisfy my tongue and not my hunger. I'm finally retraining my stomach!

submitted by /u/GotsToGoNow
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