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Weight Loss for Everyone: I'm 5 weeks into my weight loss journey and i've never felt more alive

Friday, September 23, 2022

I'm 5 weeks into my weight loss journey and i've never felt more alive

I believe my weight gain started when i began working in the food industry about 4-5 years ago. Having free access to fast food and restaurant food every day i worked just ended up as mindless eating and bad habits were formed. I began to work from home earlier this year but still would always go out to grab fast food for lunch and dinner almost 80% of the time.

It wasnt until about a month ago i got a new job at another food place, this time a dine in sandwich shop. I was hyped all over again to have free reign on food. About a week into my new job, im not sure why but i ended up looking up my BMI and seeing that i was classified well over obese. I also knew whenever i looked in the mirror, way in the back of my head i was always disappointed in what i saw, but just did not care enough to change anything. I'm 26 years old and i've never truly been physical or exercised since i was required to in highschool.

When i did see my BMI, and weighed myself and really looked at myself with honesty, i realized that i wanted to see myself as fit and healthy as i can possibly be. I've always thought i'm an attractive person but my insecurities lie within my body, not so much my face. Always wearing shirts that are way too big, pulling at clothes so they dont touch my skin and show my true shape. But i decided right then and there that i'm getting into shape.

I'm now 5 weeks into a caloric deficit, i've lost 13 lbs from walking every day and tracking my calories. I've completely overcome a debilitating off and on migraine that i've had for the past 2-3 years. I no longer have joint pain from standing or walking too long. I also just got my first ever gym membership this past week so i cant wait to see what more im capable of accomplishing.

Like a lot of people though, i started very slowly and small such as eliminating sugary drinks and sodas before food. I got into replacements like flavored carbonated waters or stevia sodas, because i definitely have a bubbly addiction i'll never give up... I'd also encourage anybody to not immediately jump into a calorie deficit, just try logging what you eat in a normal day and stand back and see what you're really putting into your body, and evaluate what changes you can comfortably make. Do not beat yourself up if you do go over your deficit or if you cave in and buy a junk food meal here and there we're all human and you can always start fresh the next day. I will say though, after a couple of weeks of not eating out and stocking up on just a lot of healthy groceries and snacks especially, i no longer had cravings for junk food like i used to. But not everybody's brain is wired the same, so dont feel bad if it takes more time for you to drop certain cravings and habits

I know this is a long post but i've never felt so good in my life before, mentally and physically and i just had to express myself and hopefully put a helpful word out there for anyone else that needs it <3

submitted by /u/vessencemusic
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