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Weight Loss for Everyone: My experience with weight loss

Thursday, September 1, 2022

My experience with weight loss

during the pandemic, like most of us, I gained a considerable amount of weight. I went from 160lb to 220lbs. It took me about a year to drop 60lbs. First time cutting weight and everything.

The weight loss journey is hard when you're fat, because you've essentially developed a bunch of bad habits and now you're trying to eliminate them and develop good habits.

My daily schedule during the pandemic was waking up at 1pm, playing games all day, and sleeping at 3am. Trying to fix that schedule takes time and dedication.

The weight loss journey is also filled with trial and error. I overestimated how much calories I was burning at the gym and underestimated how much I was eating. So maintaining that constant drive and motivation is difficult because if you think you're doing everything right but you see no progress, a weak willed person can easily give up.

but I stayed on the journey and slowly learned a thing or two.

[1] I tried Keto for a time and learned how important calorie counting was, also learned foods high in fat will keep you full longer, so if you're ever feeling hungry, eating a tea spoon of butter is a nice trick. That lost me a couple pounds

[2] Tried fasting for a time by eating one really big meal in the morning and nothing else through out the day, that helped me lose a couple more pounds.

[3] working out doesn't burn that much calories, like a mile burns about 100. So unless I was planning on running 10 miles a day, I should just skip lunch or dinner.

[4] I learned what my maintenance was and how cutting 500 calories a day would result in losing 1lb a week.

[5] I never thought I would be into running but now that I'm actually good at it, I'm all in lol. I've never been a runner so I didn't think it was possible to even run without feeling pain, I just thought people powered through the pain and that was the definition endurance. It takes about 6 months of running a mile everyday until you stop feeling out of breath and muscles stop hurting.

Eventually I got back to my original weight but it was like an avalanche; once you see progress and what you can become you keep on pushing to eliminate bad habits and create better habits, so the sleep schedule was fixed to where I sleep at 10pm and wake up at 5am, my PS4 controller broke and that was the push I needed to stop playing video games, Facebook banned me for a while and that was the push to delete my social media entirely.

Now I have new goals but it's a little more difficult to stay on track. When you're fat you can use the anger to continue to push but when you've reached a weight to where you're satisfied, the voice in your head that gives you bad advice like [ Be lazy, you've worked hard for the past month] becomes a lot more convincing. Because of this, I'm constantly changing my goals to stay motivated.

One week I'll strive for the 10 - 15% body fat goal because that's when you get abbs, the fat around your face disappears making you more symmetrical and scientifically more beautiful, and the fat around your penis disappears granting you an extra inch. The next week I don't care about abbs and I want to be so healthy that when I'm 70, I look and act like a 40 year old.

Eventually I'll achieve the 15% body fat goal but then comes a completely new and arguably more difficult journey, learning how to bulk. And when I master that it'll just become a cycle of cutting until I'm ashamed of how weak I've become and bulking until I'm disgusted with myself, that's the dream though.

submitted by /u/Nixonsrevenge777
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