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Weight Loss for Everyone: Reaching out for support- weight regain

Monday, March 7, 2022

Reaching out for support- weight regain

I lost 150lbs in a little over a year/ went from 300lbs to 150 in 2020, and was done losing weight for the most part. for the first time in my life I wasn’t binging, and things felt normal. I was genuinely thinking I finally was living a life that wasn’t controlled by food. At this time I was a stay at home mom as well so I had tons of time to meal prep. Flash to 6 months ago, I decided to rejoin the work force for the first time In 3 years. I got a stay at home desk job so I can work with my kid being here. Since then I’ve put back 15 lbs and I’m absolutely terrified. I find it harder to say no to things like ice cream or pizza night where as before making those choices felt second nature. Today I ate two roosters wings that put me WAY over my caloric threshold and I am snapping. I don’t know why I did it. I wasn’t even hungry. And as soon as it registered guilt set in. I’ve always had at least one day a week where I have a higher calorie meal of my choice and not feel bad about it but I feel less like these choices are something I want and more compulsive. I know there’s nothing I can do but say no next time and move on but I’m having such a hard time. I don’t want to lose everything I worked for. I went from hardly being able to walk to running 5ks 3-4 times a week and I’m physically strong and can play with my son and do things I only wished I could do before I lost weight. It all feels temporary now and Its an awful feeling. I’m not sure how to fix this mindset. Anyone who has been here advice is welcome.

submitted by /u/Friendly_Tomato975
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