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Weight Loss for Everyone: Need help with avoiding eating when stressed and work life ballance

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Need help with avoiding eating when stressed and work life ballance

Hi. First of all I would like to point out that this concerns my wife and I am asking for advice for her. She has been trying to lose weight for a long time but we are not seeing any results.

Backstory: My wife had a baby one year and a half ago and she went back to work when the baby was 7 months old. I am working from home so I am able to help out with the baby as well. She has always struggled with the weight however we were both very eager to help her lose weight after the baby was born. She had a hard time during pregnancy with getting tired quickly due to the weight and had also a fright due to some possible complications. Everything turned out ok in the end.

She is using the app myfitness pal and trying to eat less calories each day while also exercising 2-3 times per week. She told me that she does not know what to do because when she is stressed she eats and going over her calorie target. She works in a hospital and her job is stressful. She is fully aware that it is up to her to make sure she does not stress eat. She starts her day motivated and then due to stress she starts eating more than her target. She is not gaining weight but also not losing any.

She told me she is fully aware that she is making mistakes and that she does not know what to do. Myself also do not know what to do because when we talk she gets motivated again and then something happens.

My wife spends 3-4 ours each day at home after work before going to bed and with a small baby, free time is very hard to find.

I told her she needs to better organize her work life so that she can keep everything under control, and prioritize her health. I do not mind staying with the baby more even when she is at home as long as she makes her health a priority.

Any advice would be very appreciated.

submitted by /u/robert1523
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