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Weight Loss for Everyone: Dealing with exercise and satiation

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Dealing with exercise and satiation

I’m 27m, 6’0, 188 lbs and GW is 175, SW was 212 last summer. I typically do 5-6 hours of running or biking per week with 3 hours of strength training. Typically aim for 2500 calories with the assumption that it’s a 500cal deficit.

Diet is a breakfast of fruit, granola, and yogurt. Lunch is chicken and freezer veggies with hot sauce. Decent variety of stuff for dinner, and a protein shake (50g of whey) every evening. I typically snack on grapes, pickles, cucumbers, and carrots throughout the day.

I’m wondering how to curb hunger. I’ve had such an issue with getting rather hungry 2-3 hours before meals. I usually eat breakfast at 8, lunch around 12, and dinner at 6:30-7. And this can range from “I’m feeling a strong craving for food but might be able to distract myself” to “I have to eat something, I feel faint.”

Water intake is good, I think… try to get at least 2L a day. Never less than 1L.

Any thoughts? I tend to overshoot my calorie goal by 200-300, which I know isn’t the end of the world, but it can lead to bigger binges when I’m not careful. Would love to be able to eat intuitively near weight maintenance in the future, but I also get discouraged because I feel like I tend to intuitively eat well above weight maintenance, and snacking is how it generally manifests.

submitted by /u/vertazontal
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