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Weight Loss for Everyone: What are your warning systems in place for weight gain after losing?

Thursday, March 31, 2022

What are your warning systems in place for weight gain after losing?

I lost 30 kgs and then gained 15 kgs and I'm wondering what systems you have in place to be able to notice early on that you've gained weight so you can stop it early.

It's so much easier to gain a bunch of weight in a short period of time than losing, which usually takes a lot longer.

I weigh myself but still managed gaining a lot, bit by bit and ended up halfway back up and it's of course harder to lose it now.

What kind of stuff do other people do?

My issue may also be that I have mild body dysmorphia, especially when I slowly gain, I can't tell myself until I see pictures someone's takes of me and I'm like Oh no what happened! Doesn't match what I see in the mirror.

Also doesn't help that all my clothes are comfortable and stretchy?

What are systems in place or rules you have to be able to nip weight gain in the bud?

I've also been calorie counting daily during this whole process so I can see I've been in a surplus.

Looking for advice and tips and tricks, to know what skinny or healthy weight people use to keep track.

submitted by /u/NanasTeaPartyHeyHo
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