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Weight Loss for Everyone: having trouble eating enough calories (deficit)

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

having trouble eating enough calories (deficit)

hello! looking for some advice here, hopefully it’s the right place for it. I’ve looked in previous threads but I’m still struggling. So I’ve had a past with struggling with my relationship with food, I also have PCOS. I’m trying to recover my relationship with food but also trying to lose some weight so I’ve been on a calorie deficit. Essentially I’ve been on a deficit most of my adult life (due to my past restrictions and ED).

So I wanted to download MyFitnessPal so I know that I’m reaching my calories, my deficit is 1850 and I work out 4x a week (weight lifting and cardio). I really struggle to get my full deficit in unless I eat out or something like that. like today i feel like i ate a good amount but I’m only at 1500 calories. sidebar: i am vegetarian with the recent addition of eating tuna and salmon to get more protein.

i hope this isn’t too much info, just looking for some tips/advice! thank you in advance :)

submitted by /u/ApplesandBananazzz
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