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Weight Loss for Everyone: help getting back on the ladder!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

help getting back on the ladder!

Hey everyone, I'm (20's, F) finally making a post here but I'm not sure where to start, sorry if this is all over!

So I've written this post out like 10 times and decided it was too long and boring for people lol.

I lost weight a few years ago through healthy eating, walking daily and intermittent fasting (not a breakfast person so this was a good fit).

Plantar Fasciitis(foot injury) means I cant walk for more than like 5 minutes without being in pain, this has been for over a year, seen a physio, bought insoles for both work and now workout shoes. This has sucked because I loved walking outside and found it great for my mental health and motivation.

Supraventricular Tachycardia - heart rate goes crazy high for no reason, I am not affected by this at all if my heart rate is at a rested pace prior to it happening. However if my heart rate is already high it immediately winds me and I need to take 5 to catch my breath.
- this has made me weary of gym machines with trackers on the handles after a very panicked member of staff dragged me off a machine when I was 14. I also find it embarrassing, and have grown to hate heavy cardio incase it kicks in in front of people!

New job/covid/health issues have essentially had me gain everything back.

What I've been trying hasn't worked and I've not stuck to anything, so I've made a change over the last week, bought a new mat, shoe supports and have been trying Calisthenics, literally just following this video which is about 20 minutes, after work
It doesn't cause pain in my foot and I can do it at home which is great!

What I'm looking for is just help, I'm annoyed that I was able to do everything my self before and I'm struggling to stick to anything/physically limited from what id like to do. I'm definitely classed as obese now which is my immediate goal to tackle. Is doing the above workout 5 days a week enough? (about 20 min).

In addition, id like to add some routine to weekends to help me stay on track, I've considered going to the gym sat/sun and doing weight training but I've never done it before and I've literally no idea how I'm supposed to use half the equipment? There's a body building gym 2 minutes from my house and I went previously but offered me no help/induction/trainer and I was pretty intimidated so I stuck to cardio and quit after a few sessions.

I'm not sure if the gym is right for me right now, if I should be adding in more on a weekend at home I'm not sure what to do. I've looked at a few gyms and wondered if I can get an induction or a PT but all I'm interested in really is someone showing me the ropes, and helping me figure out a routine.

apologies for this being all over, I really want to improve myself but struggling to get back into a routine and its disheartening having done it all before, only to be back here, any advice is welcome!

submitted by /u/VariationSimple
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