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Weight Loss for Everyone: Hit my first weight-loss goal! 3.5 months in, 35 lbs down. But what I’m most proud of is seeing my grandfather react to my biceps. (NSFW: progress pic has visible midriff!)

Friday, March 18, 2022

Hit my first weight-loss goal! 3.5 months in, 35 lbs down. But what I’m most proud of is seeing my grandfather react to my biceps. (NSFW: progress pic has visible midriff!)

While I often use the scale as my main motivator, I’m reminded that the NSVs can be so much more emotionally significant than the SVs. As much pride as I have in being able to make that scale number move, it’s been so validating when I hit those less numerically defined points: pants fitting different, running a mile under 11 minutes for the first time since high school, running up 4 flights of stairs without dripping sweat…

And yesterday, while visiting my grandfather, he asked me “have you been working out?” I said yes and offered my arm kind of jokingly for him to feel my bicep. When I flexed, the look on his face was just genuine shock and pride. I suddenly felt like crying because all he’s ever really wanted for his grandkids is that they be hale and hearty. His wife, my grandmother, never took care of her body and that neglect has led to significant issues as of late. In that moment I felt like maybe he knew he could worry about me less.

Also! When I felt my bicep myself afterwards, I was pretty shook myself! So much of the fat that used to monopolize space there was at some point replaced with a slab of hard muscle. Feeling density or resistance in spots where there was just pliable give before is wild. Today I’ve been poking myself everywhere.

So yeah. Reminder to poke yourself! See your grandpa if your grandpa is cool. And keep going. The rewards are myriad and priceless.


Stats: 25F, 5’7, SW: 203 lbs, CW: 168 lbs

What I Did To Lose Weight: CICO and exercise! Ate pretty much whatever I wanted but kept to a ~750 calorie deficit daily. I also started exercising with my bar set to 30 minutes of general movement per day. That eventually graduated to going to the gym 5-6 days a week for about 80 minutes per session! I add back half the calories my apple watch says I burned. Finally, while I don’t track macros, I largely eat whole grains and a lot of protein. I just like meat!

Progress since the start of my journey on Nov 30, 2021:

submitted by /u/Efficient-Doughnut24
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