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Weight Loss for Everyone: Heaviest I’ve ever been. No clue where to start.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Heaviest I’ve ever been. No clue where to start.

I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. This isn’t healthy at all. I cannot believe I have let it get this bad. I can give so many reasons why, but it will just sound like excuses. I’ve tried SO many diets so many times. Paleo. Keto. CICO. No meat. No dairy. “Moderation”. Noom. Etc. I’ll lose weight but it comes back on after I get burnt out of restricting/dieting. I’ve been in this cycle for YEARS. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to start losing weight in a way that’s healthy that I can actually stick to. I’m just so burnt out of dieting. What do I do??? I want to live a long life and not be in pain and keep up with my kids. I just don’t know how to get this weight off when I’m so burnt out of dieting…

submitted by /u/sunmoonstars217
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