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Weight Loss for Everyone: I can only tell when I've lost weight because strangers are, all of a sudden, really nice to me

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

I can only tell when I've lost weight because strangers are, all of a sudden, really nice to me

So I have ~major~ body dysmorphia. Im 24yo now but weight wise I've been 260 at my highest (17/18ish) and 150 at my lowest (19/20) I don't weigh myself anymore cause I've dealt with bulimia and anorexia so it's just easier and healthier for me to go by how I feel. It's pretty impossible to go by how I look because well... i have no idea how I look. I didn't realize I had a thigh gap before someone commented on my snapstory about it. BUT I can always tell when I'm at a "decent" weight because strangers will be so nice to me.

I assumed I lost weight recently because I've been swimming regularly and lifting weights too if I have the energy. I've also been forced to eat really healthy (basically raw food diet healthy) because there's lead in my water and I didn't find out until my diet was fucked up and I was too tired to move (ended up in urgent care). Months later eating out is still a challenge.

I assumed right because these past couple of days men have been ~really nice~ to me. Going out of their way in stores to talk to me. Employees attitudes at my gym and pool are all of a sudden more cheery tward me and strangers will randomly complement me. Not just men but people of any age, men have been more adamant though. Ill catch more eyes on me when I'm swimming. Going to the bars, I've been paying less and less for my nights out.

This also happened when I was at 150, but i thought it was just because i was in a much better mood because the only thing i noticed differently about myself was my mental state. My friends would make jokes about it, when we would go out shopping or to bars because people would just give me free things ~all the time~. I was like "its because I'm nice :)" and they'd be like "not it's because you're hot and skinny". And on god that's when I was like " skinny?" Because never in my LIFE had I been called skinny. I've always been bigger.

I like my body no matter what weight I'm at. I prefer to have a bit more fat on me cause when I was at my lowest I hated how my skin hanged and I lost my ass and tits :l

But DAMN like I wish it wasn't so obvious sometimes? Like I'm the SAME EXACT PERSON but now everyone wants to switch up and be my friend and now all these complements are comming out the woodwork 😐 it's nice but frustrating at the same time. Like my social life literally gets so much harder at a certain weight and that's such bullshit. God forbid I have a stomach.

Tldr: I got mad body dysmorphia and I can track my weightloss by the amount of complements I get in a day :l it's dumb and we should complement everyone because all bodies are beautiful bodies

submitted by /u/watshouldiget4dinner
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