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Weight Loss for Everyone: Suggestions for getting back on a diet a year and some change post failure? [21/M/388LBs]

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Suggestions for getting back on a diet a year and some change post failure? [21/M/388LBs]

So I'm desperately trying to get back on my diet about 1 year post failure. I was for about 4 months losing an INCREDIBLE amount of weight per month dieting at 1600 calories a day but I ended up being a victim of cancel culture and lost my dream job just a month after getting it which destroyed my motivation completely. Recently I had a REALLY bad week where I basically ate like 7k calories a day (not an exaggeration) fueled partly by depression, work anxiety, and the belief Russia was about to end the world (thanks, discord groups!) and it didn't matter anyways. This was enough that even my worthless fat mind woke up and I've been trying desperately to pair back down.

The time I was successful was quite a bit different: I was motivated basically only by the thought that slimming down would guarantee me sexual encounters at every turn, I was unemployed for most of it (including the important initial phase), and my home life was better. I largely lost weight by only purchasing pre-portioned meals such as TV dinners, mac and cheese cups, etc as I've accepted that once the food is in front of me I'm screwed as self control isn't my forte. This was working quite well though some people pointed out that this could easily be trading one problem for another due to the generally unhealthy nature of such food, even if the CICO math works out but I've deemed that a "Later" issue. I think I gained back all the weight I lost within 2 months, I was down to 340 at one point but I basically became Homer Simpson for a month afterwards due to depression and I was just eating garbage all day everyday.

This time around I'm working as a cargo van driver, and I'm motivated by well, still primarily by the aspect of a better sex life but also by the fact I'm sick of acquiring stupid little injuries due to my weight, having no stamina, not being able to exert myself for more than a few seconds without basically collapsing. I actually have been logging every fatness related issues into a notepad to refer back to everytime I get one of the "Eh I might as well give up, doesn't matter anyways" which has been a somewhat helpful tactic. The plan is sort of the same except due to the fact I'm working a job that at least has me moving I'm adjusting my calorie goal to 2000 since I assume even though driving a cargo van isn't a ton of activity it burns at least 400 and I was happy with the previous rate of loss. I've adopted a moto to repeat in my head "If you are fat, you are worthless. I am fat, therefore I am worthless. Ergo I must lose weight" which I've also find quite useful.

My goal is to go back to losing at least 10lbs per month, and at 250Lbs hopefully exercise will be realistic to add back in. Right now I can only exert myself for a few moments before I start itching all over like crazy, get light headed, and end up in massive pain. I've also been having serious issues with my feet, lower back, and shoulders lately which I'm pretty sure are weight related. I'm planning to do a phased scale down (which I did the first time but tried to skip on all subsequent attempts) with a week at 3000 calories, 2 weeks at 2400 calories, and then moving to my target of 2000.

So basically my questions are:

1.) What are some medications which are agreed to reduce apetite? The first month the first time around I literally was thinking about suicide 24 hours a day from that gnawing hunger you get. That hunger that is almost painful (which I later realized isn't what hunger really feels like, that is a side effect of my worthless fat mind which goes away later). I just need to get past that. I know Phentermine is the first and most effective one mentioned and I would like advice on how to bring this up to my doctor. I'm also aware the effects are only really present for a few months.

2.) What are some good motivational tools and ways to hold myself accountable? I've always had a problem with long term goals, and honestly food is one of my main enjoyments in life so giving that up is hard. I'm open to really anything here.

3.) How do I avoid losing focus once I'm a few months in? Towards the end I found myself having more days when I ate 200 or more calories above my goal and even a few blow out days. One of my mistakes was implementing cheat days which with impulse control issues like mine was equivalent to an alcoholic going "Well, its just one shot". But even aside from that I would occasionally find myself craving weird things like I would desire a whole pizza, or a giant bowl of pasta. Most people seem to indicate craving sweets but honestly those were the easiest thing to give up aside from sugared drinks (which i ditched like 3 years ago by switching to diet, turns out I crave carbonation not sugar). I also found that my days were REALLY meal centric. Meaning I was always anticipating that one big 800 calorie meal I had a day, or the next scheduled 200 calories booster or my 450 calorie dinner. Like an inordinate amount of thought went into that. During the first month it was crippling and I only made it through by basically playing video games all day, every day for a month straight. Are there any tactics to mitigate that? Driving a cargo van gives my ADHD riddled mind wayy to much time to wander and by the time I get back from my first run all I can think about is lunch.

4.) What are some fast food options that are somewhat dieting compatible? Like 400 calories for a tiny McDonalds cheeseburger that is chemically formulated to make you crave more is a waste. I've been a fan of the Chalupa Supreme at Taco Bell but thats about it. I want something reasonably filling with a decent calorie count.

submitted by /u/Cyb3ron
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