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Weight Loss for Everyone: Best elliptical day in 2 years. Weight chart in 2nd picture shows the progress.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Best elliptical day in 2 years. Weight chart in 2nd picture shows the progress.

Put in 2 hours in 1 session yesterday. I last did that 2+ years ago, before gaining a bunch of weight which I'm nearly done losing. I'm back down to a weight and clothing sizes I haven't been or seen since that 2+ years ago.

226 to 180 since the start of last year. About half of it this year. Weight chart in second picture. Can ya tell when I found motivation?

Been going hard on the elliptical every other day, meal-planning, and not snacking like if I keep doing it I'm going to win something.

Last night I went about 60rpm without a break for an hour. Took a water break about 1:05. Dropped to 55rpm for the remainder with a couple more water breaks. Pulse went down as of about 1:20 and stayed lower than anticipated.

(Love it when these marathon sessions surpass 100 minutes; the elliptical's 2-digit timer rolls over to 0. Maxed that thing out!)

Expect more progress.

If my creaky, excuse-prone ass can do this, so can yours.

submitted by /u/NightPrimary8130
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