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Weight Loss for Everyone: Guidance needed, most weight I've ever been. Impulsive, eating for emotional regulation without end, overspending on take-out and junkfood

Friday, March 4, 2022

Guidance needed, most weight I've ever been. Impulsive, eating for emotional regulation without end, overspending on take-out and junkfood

Recently I've gained 10kg in the span of 3 months. I've had a bad time with my life, and in all honesty I have always used eating as something to regulate my mood. In example, I could have never gone to bed without feeling like there's something in my stomach, because I got bad memories in night time.

I'm working on bringing these things up in therapy. However, I really need some ideas, thoughts or guidance about how to stop myself. Last year I introduced myself to the idea of doing things that feel good to me and now in a time of stress, binge eating feels great to me and I keep ordering food especially, plummeting my finances as well because I'm not sticking to my budget.

I tried tracking calories, it just made me feel guilt and worse which fed into the wanting to eat for comfort, chewing gum made me chew so much gum I felt sick, I even did keto once but I just get an intense urge and impulsive need to find some carb heavy food.

Surprisingly, what has helped me somewhat is intermittent fasting, eating a lot in one go or a short period of time can help me feel satiated for longer, but ironically I find it hard to eat a lot of food in one go that doesn't have the addictive junkfood qualities.

Yeah, I'm probably making excuses for myself, and I'm completely ready for someone to tell me I'm stupid, and I think that's really what I need to hear. I've worked so hard to get over my shame of how much I weight and I notice it creeping back, starting with not doing things because I gained weight or feeling insecure in front of others.

TLDR I want some guidance or help on dealing with binge eating, eating for emotional regulation and impulse control. I'm writing this post a bit impulsively so I didn't check all the resources yet albeit I've followed the subreddit for awhile.

submitted by /u/BananaMilkshake__
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