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Weight Loss for Everyone: First time I’ve EVER been at a healthy BMI. My chubby and shy 9 year old self would be so happy

Saturday, March 12, 2022

First time I’ve EVER been at a healthy BMI. My chubby and shy 9 year old self would be so happy

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F/23/5’5” 210lbs/95.3 kg > 148.7lbs/67.4kg Total of 61.3 lbs/27.9 kg lost in 14.5 months

Starting BMI: 34.9 (Obese) Current BMI: 24.7(Healthy by a hair)

FitBit Aria Bodyfat Measurements Starting: 42% Current: 32%

Bonus Context:

  1. I have never been lower than 155 lbs since maybe elementary school, and never at a healthy BMI like, ever, so this is super cool for me.

  2. I didn’t start dropping weight seriously until April 2021 (starting weight then was 197) soo I see this as a year’s worth of change rather than 14 months

  3. Honestly the only thing different has been diet change. I’ve worked the same on-my-feet active job for the last two years with barely any time/motivation on the side for extra activity, which is noticeable by my body’s total lack of definition. Lol

  4. Also, this is ALL thanks to my boyfriend. I was a depressed mess before him and had just ended a relationship with someone who’s lifestyle heavily contributed to my packing on 30 lbs in two years. He (current boyfriend) got us to do meal prep every week so I didn’t do takeout at work anymore, and eventually I stopped getting fast food by myself for dinners either (not something me and my cravings wanted to do but he called me out on it every time). He also encouraged us to do r/Whole30. We started to fiddle with it in the fall but didn’t seriously start until right after Christmas 2021. It’s AMAZING how much easier it is to cut down on food even during my intense PMDD cravings when I have someone supporting and pushing me to be health-conscious and stay on track with my progress.

  5. Whole30 - I am 100% addicted to processed carbs (HEB’s bakery aisle and the local donut shop are the hardest temptations I have currently) which has been mitigated so much by cutting that out. Every time I do a cheat meal since finishing the 30 days (not often), I have regrets the next few days while I daydream for a sandwich or cheese danish or something else like that. Besides that, potatoes apparently are also triggering for me, so I’ve taken out hash browns, fries, potato chips, and even any kind of baked potatoes I would normally do for meal prep. Rice and cheese and corn have not had any negative consequences for me.

  6. Snacks Figured this could be helpful as the urge to munch on something while watching TV or just from boredom is NOT easy to abandon. Boyfriend and I have had a “make a small mistake before you make a big one” mindset as far as sugar intake and caloric content goes.

So when I’m craving sugar, instead of taking my ass to HEB where temptations are endless, I make sure to keep fruits in the kitchen basically at all times. Bf also stocks RX and Lara bars (there are plenty of whole30 options) if we’re on the go. Banana and peanut butter is better than a pint of peanut butter ice cream. Grapes are better than starbursts. Even making a smoothie at home is better than getting a vanilla Frappuccino.

If I just want to fill my belly and don’t want to make a meal: tortilla chips and salsa, chicharrones (look it up), nuts, dried fruit, pickles!! Basically, since we have so many “I don’t have time”/ “I don’t want to eat like a robot” options to fall back on, we have a higher chance to succeed in the long run.

I’ll try to field any questions anyone has, but really I’m not an expert at all. This has been the easiest weight loss I’ve ever done because of my boyfriend encouraging diet change. So personal take away is, if you really want to get the body you want, spend more of your time with people who have active and healthy lifestyles. And if that means acting independently from your partner like getting up from a joint streaming binge to prep your food for the next day, then you gotta do it dude!!

submitted by /u/tatafornowmyfriend
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