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Weight Loss for Everyone: At the end of my tether, please read! (binging)

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

At the end of my tether, please read! (binging)

hey everyone, I literally made an account to be able to post this, I’ve never actually used reddit before so I’m sorry if I haven’t posted in the right place or something.

I’m a 17 year old girl, 5 foot 5 and I weigh 143 lbs (about 65 kg). I’m not FAT as such but I’m definitely not thin and honestly I’m at the end of my tether with my weight/body image issues.

Before my thyroid condition was diagnosed about three years ago, my metabolism was so fast that I was able to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and literally not gain weight. However when I was diagnosed and put on medication this wasn’t the case, but I was already too deep into those habits at the time for me to stop so I just continued my (what I now realise was) binging and the weight just caught up to me. Since then I’ve been stuck in a constant binge-restrict cycle and not got anywhere with it.

About two or so months ago I lost a lot of weight very quickly due to eating next to nothing every day and over exercising. I realised this had to stop as it was getting quite bad but since that period I’ve put on even more weight than I was to begin with by trying to eat ‘normally’.

My biggest problem now is the binge eating. I try so hard to eat healthy and exercise, some days I do really well, but I get maybe a week? and then I just binge and ruin everything. The guilt afterwards is the absolute worst part, I just feel so awful for eating so much.

I just really don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve tried and tried to just lose weight in a healthy way but it seems like the only way I lose at all is by high restriction. I still obsess over calories and it’s so draining, and it’s especially frustrating that I don’t lose any weight for it. I’m so constantly fed up, I feel ugly and fat all the time and have little to no self confidence. None of the boys fancy me or anything and I feel like with this extra weight I am genuinely so so unattractive. My entire friend group are all small and slim and unfortunately I’m taller and just generally bigger so I stick out like a sore thumb. My mum likes to say I’m just ‘curvy’ and everyone tells me to stop trying to lose weight but I genuinely don’t think I’ll be happy until I do, I really hate how I look.

Please, if anyone knows how to stop the binging and actually lose weight without falling back into the extreme restriction please let me know! I’m sorry this was all so negative and I really am trying, I eat very healthy and exercise a lot apart from the weekly binging and I can’t stop it :( thank you in advance for any replies.

Oh and please don’t just tell me to get some self control or whatever, trust me, I have tried!!

submitted by /u/throwawayaccount2056
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