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Weight Loss for Everyone: How would you define a “small meal?”

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

How would you define a “small meal?”

Everyone always says “eat several small meals throughout the day” when addressing habits of overeating, but I’m not sure what constitutes a small, quick meal that is also practical for my day-to-day.

I’d love to hear what works for y’all.

For context: I’m a tattoo artist. I often start my day with something healthy like a smoothie or a protein shake, and when I go to work, I fall apart midday by not eating. Then I overdo it in the evenings. Even when I pack a meal, I will often forget to eat it if I’m in the zone. This is less likely when I have quick snacks like nuts, babybel cheeses, or an orange, so I think the problem is when I bring a full on entree to work. I just rarely have the time for more than something quick and sustaining when I’m in the groove of it all.

That leaves me wondering what fits in the venn diagram of small, healthy, sustaining snacks/meals that take little effort to prepare.

My sister suggested a can of tuna mixed with 1/4 a large avocado and some everything bagel seasoning, and that’s been magical and very sustaining. I’m just trying not to get burnt out on it by adding some other options into the rotation.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

submitted by /u/rococo_chaos
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