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Weight Loss for Everyone: I'm down 50 pounds and I still get called slurs.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

I'm down 50 pounds and I still get called slurs.

Hey guys, not losing motivation, just a little in my own feels. I finally hit 50 pounds down and today at work, a homeless lady came in claiming she was the owner of our franchise (Without shoes or teeth or a mask) and that I had to let her use our restroom. I told her no and she said she would sue us. When I asked why the owner of my franchise would want to sue her own company, she called me everything under the sun. "Whale bitch" got me to laugh in her face, and "Would you wanna expose yourself to everyone and take a shit on the street with as huge as you are?!"

At first it didn't bother me, but it does now the more I dwell about it. Not necessarily her specifically, but that there's a point of thin-ness that earns you respect just because you're pretty. It just bums me out I haven't hit it yet.

submitted by /u/CaptainBuzzie
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