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Weight Loss for Everyone: Mid 30’s woman needing advice on how many calories/macros to eat

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Mid 30’s woman needing advice on how many calories/macros to eat

Hi everyone! I’m a 5’9 woman in my mid 30’s. I’m very active and I’m trying to lose some stubborn weight. I do 45 minutes of weights 4-5 days a week and add some intense cardio on the other days. I’ve been trying to get my 10,000 steps every day as well. According to fitbit I’m burning about 2400 calories a day. I’ve done 1500 calories and I’ve been able to lose 10lbs but then I seem to get stuck at the low 160lbs and nothing will budge. I know scale victories are not the only victories but my body composition also doesn’t seem to change.

I find that low carb, high protein is the only way of eating that helps me lose weight. I try to do at least 120 grams of protein a day but I’m not sure if that’s not high enough as I’ve read conflicting things.

I’m just wondering if I’m eating too little, I’ve done 1200 calories before but found that was way to low and felt exhausted and hungry.

Anyway if you’ve made it this far any advice would be appreciated, thanks!

submitted by /u/awake-and-dreaming
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