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Weight Loss for Everyone: Searching for long term success stories

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Searching for long term success stories

I got into a somewhat depressing discussion on twitter last night involving the lack of long term (5+ year) weight loss success stories. I tried to search for data and didn't find any. Found some 1 to 3 year success data but nothing longer term. So I'm asking this community if they know of any or even for anecdotal stories. We all need to know what we're doing will be potentially permanent change.

addendum - I'm especially interested in long term success keeping 50+ off

addendum #2 - apparently I need more words so that I hit some magical post requirement and the bots won't delete this post. (Reminds me of term papers that had to be 20 pages long when I could say what I needed in 10). So here's another question . . . Why aren't there any published studies about long term success and what would it take to have some?

submitted by /u/birchbark81
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