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Weight Loss for Everyone: Are all the American food labels as confusing as this?

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Are all the American food labels as confusing as this?

I have a friend from the US who recently came back from there and I asked her to grab me some American delicacies such as dorritos and such, and she obliged. I am currently living in Europe but was born and raised in an Arabic country. Doing the switch from there to here food-tracking-wise was not hard at all. You'd find the net weight, usually in grams (some products included the whole weight, especially if there's water like canned beans or whatever), then you'd find the food label giving you information about how much calories are in 100g of the food, and then you just quickly calculate in your head and the end result is really not that far off. Check out these 4 pics comparing a bag of Cheetos food label and a dorritos from the USA.

Ignore the Hungarian language and focus on the numbers. They make sense. They always did. Now what the fuck is with 12 chips giving 150 of calories? And look, the whole label is based on the 12 chips serving. Like wtf. The other dorritos bag was this bad too, instead of 12 it had 27 cuz they were smaller. They included the net weight sure, but why make it so hard to follow hie much you're eating? I had to use mfp to know how much calories there is a 150g bag of dorritos, turned out 780kcal. Would never have guessed unless I kelt track of how many pieces I ate.

This x pieces serving is not new to me, but the 100g serving has always been there. In a Ferrero Rocher box that contained 24 pieces, it'd give you how much calories in 10 pieces n'est to how much calories are in 100g and then it'd show you the net weight somewhere in the packaging.

submitted by /u/freshwings421
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