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Weight Loss for Everyone: Finally motivated to excersize and it feels impossible (long ramble sorry)

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Finally motivated to excersize and it feels impossible (long ramble sorry)

Context, I'm likely autistic (awaiting formal results), so thats probably why I'm feeling so overwhelmed right now.

I've finally felt movitated to start excersizing (specifically swimming) for the first time in years. No idea what triggered it, there's things I've wanted to do for a long time (that i used to enjoy) but could never find the motivation/started feeling bad about myself/executive dysfunction kicked in. So yay! Gotta follow it before it disappears. Started talking to my husband about possibly swimming again, and turns out he wants to do it with me! Even better, he's never shown interest in doing weight loss/fitness/ect 'with me' when I've suggested it so thats great.

But then we start talking about the practicality of actually doing it. What I'd like to do is start swimming 2x a week, then build up to doing some sort of excersize 5x a week (weight, pilates, idk I want to try stuff). Thats a way in the future tho.

First thing, we have a dog who has anxiety, so she can't go to doggy daycare - if she can't be with us, she has to be with my mum. Plus, my husband and i both work mon-fri and are busy on the w/e, so probably evenings after work. Ok, so has to be a pool near my mums, some time mon-fri.

Then, next thing is that my hair is really difficult. It's curly and weird and idk how to look after it. I usually wash once or twice a week and try and line it up with things (are we seeing anyone this weekend, am i going in the office on either Thursday or Friday), but if we're setting up a routine then I can't do that - it'd mean fixed hair wash days after we swim, which means i can't so easily avoid bad hair days. I know it sounds silly, but I'm already very self conscious because of my weight, let alone having a birds nest on my head as well. If we didn't have a schedule I don't know if my husband would want to do it with me, and then I'd be demotivated - he won't want to wait and see what my hairs doing on any given week aha

Plus, because it'd be after work, that'd mean i now have to shower in the evenings. I'm usually a morning showerer, so thats enough distruption to begin with (i really don't like starting my days without a shower). I can't shower twice, and I have to shower at the same time every day, because my skin is really sensitive so i have to have 24hrs between washes or it gets irritated. How will chlorine twice weekly effect my skin, will it mess with my skincare routine? Now i have another thing i might have to change, especially since i use retinol and vit c.

And it kinda has to be swimming - that's all my husband would want to do with me and it's all i have motivation for. Plus, i have a condition that causes a lot of joint and muscle pains (and obviously the weight doesn't help), so it seems the best option to get started and not hurt myself.

If we did want to start excersizing more than twice a week, we can't really keep taking the dog to my mums for an hour each evening, so that probably means getting her some training to be ok with doggy daycare. We've been wanting to do that anyway, but then i have to find how that fits in. And are doggy daycares even open past 6? Can we afford that? Or we could get her trained to be in the crate on her own for an hour or so, but then i get intrusive thoughts about her being alone. Maybe a dog walker? But theyre expensive in my area.

It feels like a lot. I get so overwhelmed by all these changes in routine that it just feels impossible and i get demotivated. I wish we were loaded so i could pay for someone to come be with my dog, to be able to pick our own working hours so we could excersize in the morning so we can still have morning showers. Just throw a personal trainer and a private chef in while youre at it aha

Just feeling very overwhelmed and demotivated. I have an excel spreadsheet where i plan these things (no idea how my possible autism went under the radar so long aha), and i just had to save and close it in an absolute mess because it was too much and i was dissociating. Just feels like it's never gonna happen y'know? And whenever you try and talk to people about it, they always say youre just "making excuses" -.- trust me, i wish my brain didn't work this way and i was just making excuses

submitted by /u/Bad_At-Usernames
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