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Weight Loss for Everyone: Seeing my ex spurs me to do more for my weight loss. How can a I pivot from using her as motivation? It worked for the first 70lbs but I don't see her much anymore and pretty much lost motivation to work out.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Seeing my ex spurs me to do more for my weight loss. How can a I pivot from using her as motivation? It worked for the first 70lbs but I don't see her much anymore and pretty much lost motivation to work out.

Last year when I really started taking weight loss seriously, it was because my ex shamed me about eating too much more than once or twice. She's still my best friends sister but she's firmly moved on and avoids being around when I am.

Seeing her was my motivation because I wanted to be the best she missed out on. Now that I don't see her I have definitely lost motivation. How or what did anyone else that used an ex as motivation do to continue their journey when that reason faded?

submitted by /u/Alarming-Question391
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