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Weight Loss for Everyone: Unexpected Victory Celebration

Monday, March 14, 2022

Unexpected Victory Celebration

I had a doctor’s appointment today, which is not rare. I usually see a doctor at least once a month, today was a bit different though. Today they drew some blood to run some quick labs and decided to check a bunch of other basic stuff just because it hadn’t been checked in a while. I didn’t think much of it.

Afterwards, I was walking back to the subway station on my way home thinking about the lab results and my doctor’s reaction, realizing how different of an experience THIS visit was. After getting all of the labs back and looking through everything my doctor said, “Yeah, you are extremely healthy. Everything looks absolutely fantastic. We’re done, I’ll see you next time!”

I am extremely healthy… That’s not something I ever thought I’d hear, especially from a doctor! Just several short months ago, I was NOT extremely healthy. I’m just kinda shocked (but proud) of how far I’ve come. Six months ago I was despairing about how much I still had to lose and how much work it was going to take to get where I wanted to be, and now I’m the lightest I’ve been since elementary school, my clothes are falling off of me, and I’m seeing serious results from the gym.

I still have a ways to go to get where I want to be. Still want to lose more fat, and definitely want to build more muscle so I’m spending about two hours a day at the gym and eating super clean, but it all started with just a few small changes…

submitted by /u/Kevdog1800
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