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Weight Loss for Everyone: Started the day on a high ended on a low

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Started the day on a high ended on a low

I’ve recently started the fitness journey again. I used to be healthy but now as a 24F, I am 246. I have been going to the gym for about three weeks now (I think). But I haven’t been able to go every day and haven’t counted calories strictly. This week was the first week I stuck to it. I got on the scale this morning and saw I was a pound down. I was elated. Now it feels like I’m really doing it.

At the gym today, as I was leaving, I saw a woman whisper something to her friend who turned and looked at me. When she turned back to her friend, they both busted out laughing. I checked and nothing was wrong with my outfit. My husband said they could’ve been laughing about anything and maybe not even at me but something behind me. But it really look like she looked right at me. So now I feel down and afraid to go back.

It was already hard on me to be an obese person at the gym. And now I feel afraid to go again.

submitted by /u/btlibtlmlspt
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