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Weight Loss for Everyone: Lost nearly 30 pounds in 2021

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Lost nearly 30 pounds in 2021

Hello, I thought I'd share my story on here in case it inspires any of the newcomers to the sub. I don't have anything profound to say, just talking about myself. This is going to be a long post.

For a little background, I was always a healthy weight growing up. I didn't really track my weight as a teen, but the lowest weight I remember seeing on the scale in high school was ~145 lbs (~66 kg) and the highest was 160 lbs (~72.5 kg); my average was probably 155 lbs (~70 kg). I'm 5'7" (~170 cm).

In college I gained the freshman 15+ like so many other people do, despite the fact that I attended a large university with a big campus allowing for lots of walking. For most of my college years my weight was relatively stable between 170-180 lbs (~77-81.5 kg). I wasn't happy about it, but also wasn't mentally in a place to do very much about it. I became somewhat comfortable at that size.

When the pandemic hit, I weighed about the same as I do now. Due this and some other factors, I went from the bottom to the top of my typical college weight range - gaining 9 pounds (4 kg) in 6 weeks - and then I didn't step on the scale again for another 6 months as I ate and drank too much to cope with my feelings. Big mistake. When I moved back home from college I was in for an ugly surprise.

After a few weeks of denial during the holidays, I finally weighed myself. On Jan. 1, 2021 I weighed ~196 lbs (89 kg). The highest weight of my life at that point. For the first time ever my BMI was obese. I could actually see the weight gain in my face in pictures and in the mirror. My "bigger" clothes were too tight - blue jeans in particular were unbearable to wear. I was so uncomfortable in my skin.

I saw two paths in front of me: I could keep going down this road, keep gaining weight and buy even bigger clothes. Accept my fate. (My parents are quite obese and I love them, but am afraid of becoming like them.) Or I could try to fix it. I chose to fix it. However I wasn't really committed and gained another few pounds, topping out at 200 (201.6 to be precise - 90-91 kg) before I re-committed and really started losing weight in April 2021.

This morning, Jan. 1, 2022, I weighed in at 173 lbs (78.5 kg). No big secret, just being more mindful of what I eat and exercising 3-5 times a week. My main form of exercise has been a stationary bike while watching TV lol. Walking sometimes. I'm not going to lie, there were a few stalls along the way (holidays set me back a bit too), and I was hoping to be further along by now. But I'm so glad I did something, that I'm not that 200 lb girl anymore. All the clothes that I've bought in the last few years fit again, and I'm used to people seeing me look this way. Slowly starting to feel more confident and comfortable with myself again.

This year I am hoping to get to a healthy BMI, which for my height is <= 160 lbs. My flair says 150 is my goal but that's just so I have some wiggle room honestly. If I could maintain anywhere in the 150s for a while and keep it off, I could float. Once I get to a healthy weight I will re-evaluate my fitness goals!

Hopefully this long-winded story helps someone. If I could do it while staying at home most of the time and eating a lot of restaurant food, then so can you! Here's to smashing our goals in 2022.

submitted by /u/vacantly-visible
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