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Weight Loss for Everyone: So… is my body always going to just be…squishy?

Monday, November 1, 2021

So… is my body always going to just be…squishy?

I spent the majority of my life being somewhat underweight. And then I overcame an eating disorder. And gained some weight. And then at 21, I got pregnant. Then I got pregnant again. I’m so grateful! But my body has been…well…demolished. The absolute rodeo I have put my body through in these last few years has done some major damage, pregnancy is not good to me, especially the back to back pregnancies! I gained 60lb in my first pregnancy, and though I didn’t gain nearly as much in my second, I’m noticing more stretch marks and loose skin. I’m currently weighing a good bit more than my typical weight, I’m 5’10” and 155lb. I’m noticing that I’m incredibly..soft? Doughy? I am 5 months postpartum and had complications with my cesarean incision and wasn’t able to work out until recently. I’m hoping I’ll firm up, but I doubt it.

Anyways, after my rant, all I’m wondering is, has anyone else had a similar experience and been able to feel less squishy? Will working out and building muscle help, or is my whole body doomed? I know it’s different for everyone, but let me hear your experiences!

submitted by /u/blondeanonnurse
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