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Weight Loss for Everyone: You might have an eating disorder and not even know it (My experience with binge eating)

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

You might have an eating disorder and not even know it (My experience with binge eating)

Edit: Open to some more discussion against stimulants and info about diet/ exercise/ mental health

TW: Eating Disorder F(27) 5’2 (HW 199) (CW 187) (GW 140)

I have binge eating disorder and want to talk about how I got diagnosed and the treatment that is helping me.

Like many people, I thought of binging as consuming an ungodly amount of food at once and feeling sick afterwards. I thought it meant absolutely stuffing yourself to the brim. I want to let you know that it’s not always this obvious.

I will start by telling you my symptoms that I discussed with my doctor.

  1. Only sticking to my daily calorie goal if I obsessed, counted every calorie, planned ahead, and yet still feeling very hungry. As a sedentary woman who is 5’2 - it seemed impossible to stick to a 1200 - 1500 a day diet. I was hungry and HATED measuring every bite. I would obsess and end up more hungry than ever. I understood the process but the compulsions were overwhelming.

  2. My binging did not consist of stuffing myself until I was sick. I simply continued to gain weight from overeating. But it’s important to note, I felt full and guilty which is a tell-tale symptom of binge eating disorder. I went over my calorie goal every day by at least 600+ calories (and that’s when I was actually counting) Not counting, I could easily go over by 1200+ (doubling my daily allotment) THIS CAN STILL BE CONSIDERED BINGING.

  3. Falling into the routine of dieting, feeling hungry, obsessing, getting frustrated, and just eating - This is disordered eating. When you give up and eat a big meal and dessert after dieting for a bit, you might be binging. If you notice this keeps on happening, you might have binge eating disorder.

  4. The guilt - This is important to discuss because this is an obvious sign of disordered eating whether you’re anorexic or binging, guilt around eating is a bad sign. I felt so guilty for everything I ate.

I discussed this all with a few doctors. The one doctor who helped me diagnosed me with ADHD and B.E.D. These disorders caused me to be impulsive, obsessive, and unable to count calories in a healthy way. Regular dieting was not going to work for me without some help.

I am now on Vyvanse. I only eat when I feel hungry. I do not count calories. Every obsessive thought about dieting has disappeared. I have lost 11 lbs in 3 months, and I didn’t have to obsess and feel guilt along the way. I was in such a vicious cycle that I gained 50 lbs - I ‘dieted’ the whole time. But I got relief. 11 lbs in 3 months isn’t much, but that’s the point! It’s supposed to be sustainable.

*Note that everyone is different, doctors have different opinions, and I am only one person (not a medical professional by any means) - Vyvanse is used to treat ADHD and BED but isn’t for everyone

submitted by /u/melmalpal
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