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Weight Loss for Everyone: Started gym, dropped, gained weight, terrified to come back

Friday, November 26, 2021

Started gym, dropped, gained weight, terrified to come back

So the beginning of my 2021 was pretty alright. I struggle with my weight due to anxiety but on Summer I tend to loose some pounds just from moving around more and drinking more water.

I started the gym on April and a month later I fell into some sort of depression I still havent gotten out yet. Thing is, Ive gained a ton of weight. I might not look deformed but whenever I get fatter my face is the first thing to bloat.

Im just so insecure and sad to go back to see the same people, and its quite a small gym so Ill probably see the same faces. I tried to go about thrice already and I always come back home because I feel this completely illogical embarrasment that prevents me to just get signed up again and start feeling better.

Has anybody experienced something like this? Having to face people in general who would recognize it if youve gained weight, specially at the gym? I guess the only right answer is "go already and dont care fatso" but maybe somebody has an anecdote on the matter.

submitted by /u/cazzodistronzo
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