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Weight Loss for Everyone: Binging after dieting

Monday, November 1, 2021

Binging after dieting

I’m 21 just turned 21, I work at a fire station as an AO (ambulance Operator) and we all eat dinner together and I usually cook or my medic will or what ever. I weighed in at 289 pounds at the end of February my highest weight ever, I am 6 feet tall and I weighed in at 214 in the beginning of July. I lost weigh very fast because I was over working my body and was at a 2000 calorie a day defects. The problem I’m facing now is I started lifting weights mmmm about the beginning of august and I have seen some improvement in weights (lifting bigger weights than when I first started, seeing very small muscle growth but honestly i could just not have gained any muscle because I never really looked at muscle before so I don’t really have a visual of if I did). I started eating 3120 calories every day for the last few months when I started lifting and I do 25 minutes of cardio walking at a 9.0 incline at 3.5 mph for 25 minutes along with a program (John meadows). I haven’t gained any weight at least I don’t know. I track my calories every day and I mean every single day. And I make sure I don’t go over 3100. I had a very bad eating disorder when I was a kid and growing up and honestly even now, I binge on cheat days insanely like dozen donuts to myself and it’s depressing. I’m always hungry even after 3100 calories a day I’m still hungry and I am impatient with muscle gain I know it takes a long time but I just will never be content you know? The reason I’m here is I came across this Reddit page after looking up “I started to binge after dieting for so long” and it’s a problem I snack sometimes at the fire station on chocolate almonds they have and m&ms because I can’t make my meals how I do at home I only can make my breakfast and lunch the rest is made by us and no one else tracks or really eats healthy. I try to have a cheat day like once a month on my 8 days off (we get 2 days on 2 days off 2 days on 4 days off 2 days on 2 days off 2 days on 8 days off) so it kind of helps me sometimes but I still find myself wanting to stuff my face with all the food. I lowered my calorie intake from 3100 which is my maintenance to 2900 so I can lose more weight because I have some belly fat I want to get rid of. I just am Depressed if I’m going to be honest with my food like snacking the binging and everything and I just don’t know what to do. This is a very long post but I just had to tell someone and idk who to go to. What do I do. Do I need to make peace with my body or do I need to realize the change and almost 100 pounds I’ve lost do I need to eat more. Do I need to gain fat to gain muscle idk what to do. Thank you and I’m so sorry for this long post

submitted by /u/gibberson18
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