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Weight Loss for Everyone: No matter what weight I am, I feel like I'm never happy with myself

Monday, November 1, 2021

No matter what weight I am, I feel like I'm never happy with myself

I don't know, I've been all body types, skinny, average and overweight. For reference I am a short 5'1 female, so when I gain/lose just a few pounds it's pretty easy to see. The lowest I've ever been was 100 pounds, and I hated myself then because even though I was thin, I always felt that I was skinny fat. Then I was 115 pounds, pretty average for a girl my size, and looking back at pictures when I was that weight, I almost wish I was that weight again, but during that time I felt fat. Then I gained weight during college- 125 pounds, and felt like I was really fat. So I starved myself and I was back down to 108, but due to medical problems, Doctor told me I lost weight too fast, so I had to gain weight again. During pandemic, I'm now the heaviest I've ever been at 135. Before I didn't weigh myself bc I realized I was a slave to the scale, but one day I realized my legs started chafing, so I weighed myself and saw that I was 135. I was really depressed for awhile. Then I started going to the gym, and I was starting to be happy with myself, like I could feel myself getting stronger and I was pretty proud of myself. But I still feel like I'm not happy with how I look, my thighs are too big, my muffin top seems to never go away. I follow all these fitness influencers on social media who have big butts and small waists, and I'm like yes that's what I want to look like....but I feel like no matter how hard I try I won't achieve that look, and therefore never feel satisfied with my body. I don't know.

submitted by /u/heh135
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