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Weight Loss for Everyone: I tried eating like I used to today…

Thursday, November 25, 2021

I tried eating like I used to today…

I’ve lost over 40 lbs. I was 220ish now I am 176. I went for it all today… the turkey, the stuffing, the sweet potato pie, the veggies, the cranberry sauce, the gravy. There was ice cream… there was coffee and I put ice cream into the coffee then there was my aunt’s chocolate pecan pie that was OUT. OF. THIS. WORLD.

I honestly felt sick after. The food was sitting in the top of my belly like a bag of sand. I realized that I literally cannot pack food into my mouth the way I used too.

What I will not do tomorrow is weigh myself and self deprecate. I’ve come very far and we all are allowed to enjoy the holidays/special occasions. What I will do is get to the gym, track my cals and get right back on track. I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving and did not make the mistake of eating so much you felt physical pain like me lol.

submitted by /u/Effingehh
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