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Weight Loss for Everyone: This may not be much to some but for me it was huge.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

This may not be much to some but for me it was huge.

I regained 22 kg 46 lbs after getting off track. 6th March I got back on track. I have lost 7 kg in this time.

I eat a Whole Food Plant Base. Little to no processed. No animall products. Only added sugar is 3 teaspoons in my coffee. Try to have 1 cup a day, no more than 2.

Male 5' 9" 68 years of age 98.2 kg this morning. Down from 102.2

I have taken my belt in 1 notch.

The big one that this post is all about. 2 days ago I was drying my self after a shower. I was drying my feet. I was not even thinking. I have struggled to reach my feet for maybe 5 months. I thought What? I was not even thinking can I do it. It just happened. It takes 10 minuets or more just to put my shoes on.

I am over the moon and then a lot more.

submitted by /u/blueeyeboy8888
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