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Weight Loss for Everyone: Catching weight gain early

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Catching weight gain early

Hey! Does anyone have any tips for my situation...there's a lot of factors involved so bear with...

  • history of anorexia
  • PCOS but no previous issue with being overweight
  • very slowly coming off 2 medications (quetiapene AKA Seroquel and lamotragine AKA lamictal)

I've experienced what feels like some pretty speedy weight gain in the past few months - probably from coming off my medications as this tracks with the timeline. It's hard to give numbers as I don't weigh myself regularly but in a few months I no longer fit in any of my trousers around the waist section. I checked today and I'm 10 stone (63.8kg) and I'm 5"2 so my BMI is now overweight and it's all pretty much all gone on my stomach. If Iook back over the last few years I have been gaining weight consistently but just very very slowly . This has been much speedier and it's making me uncomfortable. I know BMI isn't everything and I have gained a lot of muscle over the last year but the weight gain in the last few months is unique and has been noticed not just by me.

How do I catch this from getting out of hand and learn about what a new post-medication normal diet should be WITHOUT triggering binge/purge cycles? Counting calories is not an ideal solution as it risks not being sustainable.

I'm asking as I already feel like I do all the right things...I'm vegan, I meal prep and cook a lot of my meals myself and don't really like fast food, I work out about 6 hours a week (pole dance and yoga) and I walk my dog for an hour a day (although he's quite slow). I have a relaxed and healthy approach to food, especially for someone with my history, and I really don't want to mess it up with harsh dieting. I do eat quite a lot of sugar and haven't been as on top of meal prepping over the last few weeks.

I thought I'd found a healthy balance with food and exercise and my body and I feel down that I've got to confront it again.

Thanks in advance xx

submitted by /u/Peanutbutterpigs
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