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Weight Loss for Everyone: I am so fucking tired of failing myself

Friday, April 14, 2023

I am so fucking tired of failing myself

I have 30 lbs to lose. What is wrong with me? I don’t have enough willpower or discipline to stop eating like shit. It would be so simple. When I pick up unnecessary food, I literally count the unneeded calories I’m about to eat. I don’t understand why I’m doing it. What is wrong with me?

I’ve lost weight before, but lose steam pretty quickly. I’ve tried motivation. I’ve tried bullying myself. I’ve tried ‘discipline’. I feel like I’ve tried everything. I don’t even know how to start again, because I know exactly what to do to stop myself from staying fat - I just don’t do it.

I don’t know how to convince myself to break all these bad habits. Nothing works any more. I’m not motivated. Developing discipline require motivation. Losing weight will fix so many issues in my life, but im so accustomed to them it’s getting hard to care.

I can’t use my appearance to motivate me. I used to cry about being 60kg. I have a double chin now. Im 15. Why am I fat enough to have a double chin? Why have I let myself get to this level? I just feel like even if I lose weight, my features will never be pretty enough to get what I want. Losing weight to be pretty is impossible when you are objectively not pretty.

I can’t use my health. I really don’t care any more about my health. Tbh, I never did. I just want my back to stop aching when I lie down on my tummy, but not enough apparently to stop eating so much.

I’m just so tired. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. What’s wrong with me? Why can everyone else do with weight management shit perfectly? I just sort of want to lock myself into a room until I wither away into something skinny. I’m so tired.

submitted by /u/whhwwhooqo
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