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Weight Loss for Everyone: staying motivated in the face of adversity/grief?

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

staying motivated in the face of adversity/grief?

Hi friends, I have been having a really hard time lately and I am struggling to stay on track. My sister unexpectedly passed 3 weeks ago, I’m graduating college in 2 weeks, I don’t have an apartment lined up for the summer, my mom is moving across the country, and I’m just feeling incredibly overwhelmed. I was also recently diagnosed with OCD and started taking Prozac but haven’t noticed a significant improvement yet.

In the past, I have used hardships AS my motivation. When my ex gf dumped me last year, I used that pain to kickstart getting back into the gym and eating right. Lately though, I just don’t have the energy that I need to have to work out consistently and I’m wanting to overeat and eat take out and desserts all the time..I ran a mile for the first time since high school last week but that motivation only lasted 3 days and then my energy disappeared again. I’m just desperate for comfort food and it is hard to not let myself slip into old habits. It isn’t even that I want chips or McDonald’s or anything, more like really good comfort food and home baked treats like cookies and brownies.

I was hoping to be in the mid 170s by graduation, but I’m still over 200 and it’s so demotivating because I wanted to look good for graduation. Idk. Any tips for staying on track when you’re struggling?

Also for additional context I don’t eat beef or pork, and I recently stopped eating cheese/dairy too because it makes me bloated but it is a struggle because I like cheese and Greek yogurt so much.

submitted by /u/raccoonwombat
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