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Weight Loss for Everyone: Need to commiserate

Friday, April 21, 2023

Need to commiserate

I (30F) woke up this week feeling pretty good about myself! I am 4 months into my weight loss journey, have been consistent with tracking food and my workouts, and I am down 21 pounds! My clothes are looser, my face is slimmer, and running is easier.

My boss gave me today off because work has been intense lately. I decided to go into the city and enjoy the Spring flowers. I was having a lovely day until some guy on the street came up to me and said "'re a really big girl." Then proceeded to yell insults and sexual inuendos. I wouldn't have been that upset about this...EXCEPT this was the SECOND time in 5 days that a random man on the street has openly commented on how fat I am in the middle of the city. In front of all of the passerbys staring and all!!

It is a painful reminder that so many in the world only see you as your size. I know it doesn't matter what these men think, blah, blah, but it still hurts. And is SO mortifying!

I am ashamed to admit that I let this man ruin my day off and time in the sunshine. I have no one in real life that I can commiserate about this with, so am turning to reddit to share in my sadness and anger. (5'11" SW: 258, CW:237, GW:178)

submitted by /u/ucme1234
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