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Weight Loss for Everyone: Disappear, work on yourself, come back unrecognizable.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Disappear, work on yourself, come back unrecognizable.

I saw this quote the other day and it really really resonated with me. I am 5'2" and 280 pounds and have really struggled with my weight since college. I managed to lose about 70 pounds in 2013 but basically had what's easiest to call a mental breakdown of sorts and gained it all back plus some. I've gotten myself together mentally due to medication and therapy but my weight is now my biggest problem. I know WHAT to do and what NOT to do (I am 42 and through the years have tried literally everything...none of it works except living the healthy life and I know it). My problem is the motivation and discipline.

I love the quote above because I have always wanted to just disappear and come back this new healthy, fit person. I waste a LOT of time on social media and I know if I got away from that it would likely really help me..but I'm also a SAHM and some days social media is literally my only interaction with other adults. But I know it sucks my life away and sometimes makes me super depressed (the world hates fat people, yo). Ughhh. Anyway, I'm rambling.

I guess I'm just looking for any advice or encouragement on HOW to on myself...and come back a new healthy person. My life needs a 180 but it feels so overwhelming. Makes me wish I were a totally different person with totally different habits and strengths and behaviors. It's a lot.

submitted by /u/applehouse10
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