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Weight Loss for Everyone: Finally broke the plateau, 200’s here I come!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Finally broke the plateau, 200’s here I come!

Background: 5’11” F, 307lbs,

I was stuck at the 315-317 plateau for so long. Nothing was working to break it. I gained a ton of weight due to birth control, literally 100 lbs.

I got my tubes out last September and was at 312lbs. Yay no more bc, but nothing changed either…

I had a bad problem with boredom eating and snacking.

Got diagnosed with ADHD on the 10th of April, weighed in at the docs at 317. I am finally getting treatment for my adhd, I have really stopped mindless eating, which was a major problem for me.

This also may be a little TMI, but it has also helped with my IBS-C, so that is a major win too!

I weighed myself today and I am at 307, most of it is likely water weight, as I usually retain a lot of water, but I don’t care because I broke the plateau! So I’m gonna do a lil dance and have an iced coffee :)

So yeah, I was stuck between 312-317 for like 6 months and now that my brain is being cared for, my body is being prioritized!

That’s my advice, care for your brain, don’t stop advocating for yourself, your health matters!

submitted by /u/pm_me_anus_photos
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