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Weight Loss for Everyone: Can't stop overeating and eating unhealthy food. Need help.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Can't stop overeating and eating unhealthy food. Need help.

I lost some weight 2 years ago and it was easy for me to keep that current weight but since this winter I started to gain weight and gained like 5 kg. And now I just can't keep myself from overeating and eating unhealthy food (sweets, fast food, soda with lots of sugar and etc). It's something like I talk with myself that I should stop eating such food or eat it less but after some hours I break off... I tried to start IF but still I break off and eat, eat and eat. I worry that if I don't stop overeating now I will gain more and more weight. Has anyone experienced the same? I would be very thankful to talk about it with someone who has experienced it and know what can help.

submitted by /u/sineesea
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