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Weight Loss for Everyone: Best apps for COMPLETE begginers?

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Best apps for COMPLETE begginers?

I haven't exercised in years and am starting to feel really horrible about myself, I tried really hard to go on daily walks but I find it very hard to get motivated even if it's just for a 5 minute walk. I feel like nothing is working and i know that it's 100% my mentality. I was hoping to use an app that is free, has simple begginer exercises that I can do at home, and preferably some sort of daily log/streaks for motivation. A lot of the suggestions I found when trying to search around aren't very begginger friendly and require at least a basic level of fitness which I don't have which is why I'm positing here. Would really appreciate any suggestions, thank you!

submitted by /u/toyAlien
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