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Weight Loss for Everyone: Okay, I need to lose it. 20 pounds heavier in last decade

Monday, April 3, 2023

Okay, I need to lose it. 20 pounds heavier in last decade

stepped on the scale today. My weight has been fluctuating between 160 and 163 the last few months, depending on time of day and if I’m near my period or not, I could even have a few extra pounds.

Tonight was my heaviest. 5 days to go till my period arrives, it’s late night (midnight), heavy day clothes still on(light spring time, a sweater, etc.)…165.5.

The heaviest I’ve ever been. Even I can feel it on me. On my joints. On breathing. Everything. I’ve always been vocal about my heart health worries (I like to call myself a recovering hypochondriac) but besides a mild mitral valve regurgitation, nothing was diagnosed and my cardiologist brushed it off.

I don’t have enough money or the insurance to mosey into the dr office to check again, but I’ll bring it up next time during my checkups.

In the meantime, I need to lose this weight, I was 145 as a teen by the end of HS, I was maybe 135 going into HS. I was 147 when my first old dr begged me to lose 20 pounds back in college. And I’m 165 now.

I don’t have the energy to work out after work, but I’ll give it a shot if someone can help me get started and more importantly where to scrap together some energy. I work 8 to 6 and wfh with no gyms nearby. I had an indoor bike but uh, realized I might have hidradendritis and boy do all my cysts hurt nowadays.

I need pointers and any tips. I appreciate them all! Here’s my daily snapshot:

7:30 Getting ready for work 8:00 Home just in time to log into work. 18:00 Clock out 18:00 - 18:45 Knock out. I get almost daily headaches now from my neck and being tense and stressing from work. I realize I may never not be stressed from work. I’m a built in anxiety bean. I’m usually a dazed mess at the end of the work day. 18:45 - 20:00 cook/eat dinner 20:00 - 21:00 study 21:00 - 22:00 Trying to squeeze any alone time I can for myself including reading and blogging (books). 22:00 I’ve been getting strange, completely out of it, feelings recently starting around this hour ever since I started my new job. I used to be able to stay up until midnight at my old job (9 to 18:00 job) and I think this extra hour early is killing me ahha… 23:00 - 24:00 Block Zone. I’m usually dead at this hour. Awake but not registering people talking to me. Literally how my brother (night owl) is but me at night and him in the morning. 24:00 night routine (shower, brush, etc.) and bed by 24:45.

Meals: Breakfast, varies, but sometimes egg and sausage, sometimes just toast. Always coffee but occasionally swap it out for tea. Coffee is always a latte but if it’s a weight issue, my usual coffee is 1 cream, 1 sugar. Tea is always just tea with nothing added. Tea is green, oolong,or Earl. I love mint tea too.

Lunch, sometimes skipped, more and more often lately. I only eat when hungry which is breakfast and dinner.

Dinner: ~19:30, and usually pretty heavy on side dishes. But, “heavy dinner” in my family is huge. My grandmother says my portions are “poverty birch scraps”. I’m Asian so there’s always rice but I’d say my actual rice portion is maybe 5 spoonfuls, or less. I hate rice. I know, I can’t believe it. My ancestors are crying rn. I’m big on veggies, abhor fruits (they’re all so sweet???) but really love my beef/pork/chicken.

Drinks: I never drink alcohol. If there is soda, I drink about 5-8 sips and the rest of the cup is my brother’s. The two of us share a can and we always have some soda, but the whole of us are cutting back on it.

I know exercise is meaningless without a healthy meal, but I don’t eat A LOT. I drink tea daily. Yes I know my exercise is like, zero, but I can’t see where else the weight is coming from, although my entire father’s side are in their 200s in terms of weight. I don’t want to be next.

Note: I have a standing desk and I get up when I remember to. The problem is I unfortunately tend to hyper focus and not get up until my bladder is ready to burst. I blink and it’s already 2pm or something. I’m also chronically dehydrated, like I should be dead levels of dehydrated, but I’ve tried everything including: big ass bottle, giant colorful bottom, bottle in front of screen, phone apps, cute pet plant apps, actual clock reminders, calendar reminders, mix of all the above. But then, after a few days, I stop hearing the alarms because my brain puts every little reminder into the calendar and I’ve started ignore certain pings… Note 2: I strongly believe I may have ADHD without the entire H because I don’t have the energy for that. Again, no money to get tested though, let alone medicated.

submitted by /u/ReleasePositive2454
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