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Weight Loss for Everyone: For those who may be having a down moment on your journey and in need of a pep talk…

Friday, March 11, 2022

For those who may be having a down moment on your journey and in need of a pep talk…

So I have been feeling down on myself of late again and trying very hard not to show it. At the same, I desperately needed some outside perspective, so I shared with my mom the fact I’d broken down and bought some pretty new clothes for myself this spring at a larger size. My mom, being the wonderful woman she is, sent me back a lovely pep talk about myself that made me tear up a bit. Thought I would share in case someone else out there needs to hear this! πŸ™‚πŸ’š

Mom’s Pep Talk on Loving Yourself:

“I read your email a couple of times and realized you need a pep talk that I have had to give myself many, many times.

First off, you haven't done anything wrong in that your older clothes no longer fit. Those worked for your old self, not for your new one. You are who you are at this moment regardless of what the scale says. It is really important to have clothes that make you feel comfortable and good in your skin. Yes, it would be nice to be smaller than you are this moment, but you are more than a clothing size. Wear clothes that make you feel good, not clothes that you can hide in. Wear colors that put a smile on your face and are not an apology for not being a size others deem you should be.

Should you work on your weight? Perhaps, considering your family history and your apparent stress level. As far as stress goes, apparently you are not one of those people who become stressed and can't eat a thing! Those are the truly odd ones! Should you be more careful with your diet? Maybe. That's up to you. If you are comfortable with where you are, that is the most important thing and it will show in the way you dress and the way you behave...

Right now, this is who you are. Accept it and move on. If you are comfortable about yourself, others will be. There are many people in your same situation--dare I say it--entering a certain age and changing as far as your body composition goes. You can't do anything about some things but others you can. A better diet and a more consistent exercise program will serve you well going into the future whether you are ever any smaller.

Be thankful that you have the money to buy clothes that are more flattering and reflect your personality. Don't let anyone put you down. Go forth with confidence and a smile will help put the naysayers in their place.

Take pride in your accomplishments!

Okay, now I will take my little wooden crate that I have been preaching on and leave quietly. My work here is done.”

😭 Thanks, Mom.

submitted by /u/SalaciousBookWyrm
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