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Weight Loss for Everyone: Practical weight loss advice for someone with chronic fatigue?

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Practical weight loss advice for someone with chronic fatigue?

Hello. If this doesn’t belong here please redirect me. TLDR is at the bottom.

I am female, 23, 5’1”, 145lbs.

I have scoliosis and PCOS. The TLDR version is that I get tired sooner and have chronic pain. My PCOS causes my weight gain to gather in the belly and chest area, so i have very large boobs which wreck havoc on my back and neck and shoulders which are already in pain because my spine is twisted.

I am currently working part time (1 shift a week) and i’m in university (4 days a week). School and work are always first thing in the morning, so the time i have to exercise is on weekends and afternoon/evenings. When I finish school and work I am usually far too tired to go to the gym. I have tried “just toughing it out” and going anyways and the result is almost always exhaustion to the point where I can’t go to school/work the next day. I LOVE yoga but haven’t been doing it partly because of fatigue but also because it is really physically uncomfortable for me being this overweight (to give you an idea, most of the 45lbs i’ve gained has gone to my torso and very little to my extremities)

My diet isn’t great, but I am a little afraid to use Lose It because I have in the past and was bordering on eating disorder territory. I will probably use it anyways but I am definitely feeling wary about it. The main issue with my diet is that I tend to eat takeout a lot because of the energy required to meal prep. Groceries and cooking are almost 100% my responsibility in my household and I am usually too tired to consistently figure out healthy meals and go shopping for their groceries not to mention actually cook.

Does anyone have any practical tips to make a healthy lifestyle more attainable for me? Hitting the gym 5 days a week and never getting takeout aren’t realistic options for me because of my chronic pain and fatigue. I realize that small changes will probably take 2-3 years for me to lose 45lbs like i want to. I don’t see any other option really because if i could just drop everything and become a gym rat i genuinely would.

I have been getting Hello Fresh which has helped with the stress of grocery shopping but no change to my weight.

TLDR; F/23/5’1”/145lbs, chronic pain makes me tired sooner, making exercise and healthy eating difficult to keep consistent, any ideas for small positive changes?

submitted by /u/bettereveryday01
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