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Weight Loss for Everyone: NSV: my hard ride home was... easy?

Monday, February 14, 2022

NSV: my hard ride home was... easy?

I've recently gotten back into my favorite childhood activity, bike riding, and luckily all of my friends are super into it too. they're very fit, bike savvy, athletic people, and I am not any of those things.

but, they're also patient so they haven't minded waiting for me to catch up. it's been embarrassing to have to dismount my bike and push it up a hill my friends are already the top of because I simply couldn't catch my breath or even imagine getting up the hill at all.

most of our rides end with us taking the same way home, which is a consistent incline through neighborhood streets. I've always hated it because it sucks to have to go up a bunch of hills at the END of a really long bike ride. most of the route I could do (while panting and sweating the whole time) but there's one steep street I've never made it to the top of without walking my bike.

yesterday was my first long ride since recovering from COVID, so after a 15 mile ride I expected this route to be especially hard. but it... just wasn't? I kept waiting for the hard part to come, but it didn't at any point. the whole way home was easy.

then we came to the steep hill I've never ridden up before. my friends definitely beat me, but I didn't stop or dismount at all and I made it all the way to the top!!!! ahhhhh!!!!!!!! feels like a small thing to say out loud, but for me it's a major victory. I'm so happy and can't wait to see what other milestones I'll be hitting this year. :)

submitted by /u/tarooooooooooo
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