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Weight Loss for Everyone: Could sleep apnea be keeping me fat? How do I resolve this? I need to lose weight before I end up diabetic.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Could sleep apnea be keeping me fat? How do I resolve this? I need to lose weight before I end up diabetic.

I'm trying to lose weight. 27, Male, 5 foot 8 inches, 335. I've struggled my whole life with weight. Sorry for the really long read but I'm trying to provide as much info as possible.

I was starting to really get down to a healthy weight, feeling better, sleeping better, when I was about 22. And it seemed like the more weight I lost, the quicker the rest would begin shedding. Then at 23 I got hurt at my warehouse job and went from 200 pounds (a fair amount of it muscle as I did slate roofing before this) to 417.

I'm slowly recovering from that. Undoing many of the bad habits that came from my back basically not working and being partially immobile for 3/4 of a year helped me get back ware I am now.

What occurs to me is I had sleep apnea as a little kid. But I had an alcoholic mother who didn't care to minotor it after my tonsils came out. And I was so young I grew up afterwards not really knowing what it was or caring. I'm far from a sedentary individual now but was a lot of my childhood because having losers for parents meant them losing a lot of jobs and us having to move around a lot, and me never really developing real social skills as a result of not being able to make and keep any friends and ending up just sitting in my house gaining weight because I didn't know anybody in the new neighborhood I was in that month.

Now, One that thing is the same now as it was all through my life is that no matter how soon I go to bed, I seem to always wake up feeling either exhausted or meh and getting midday fatigue. Brain fog and forgetting things tends to be an issue. All my life All through school I've dealt with this. I've been tested for thyroid and all kinds of cancers and whacky stuff... thank CHRIST I'm not diabetic yet (according to all tests so far). I don't eat mega shitload portions. I cut chips and soda all out of my life completely. Chicken and fresh veggies are God.

So far all blood tests have shown nothing really out of whack that would be CAUSING my weight. But... I've realized that I haven't been able to sleep on my back at all in any 5 years so I beg the question.

Could I have sleep apnea and could it be causing me to not be able to shed all this tub on me? Even cutting calories (down to about 1,700 daily recommended by my doc for my current bmi) and walking 45 minutes a night for months has barely helped. The hunger cravings i get aren't normal. The moodiness and fatigue isn't normal. Getting a pounding headache because all you can think about is food isn't normal. I don't know what to do. I can't stand looking and feeling like this anymore. My doctor suggested I may very well have sleep apnea and the elevated cortisol levels it causes could be keeping me like I am. I wasn't loosing to pay on my deductible that's higher than Whiz f****** Khalifa, but should I go ahead and get a sleep study scheduled? I'm tired of looking and feeling this way.

submitted by /u/Sneaky_Sandwhich
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