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Weight Loss for Everyone: I've seen a lot of advice that advises drinking tea or black coffee when dieting. Problem is, I hate both of them. Are there any other options like those that could fill that niche for me?

Thursday, February 3, 2022

I've seen a lot of advice that advises drinking tea or black coffee when dieting. Problem is, I hate both of them. Are there any other options like those that could fill that niche for me?

I bring this up, because I've seen a lot of people replace less healthy eating habits with a cup of tea or coffee to cut back on calories and to replace bad habits with good ones.

Coffee is something I simply can't stand - with or without creamer/sugar - it's either too bitter or it's sweet and I don't care for either flavor.

Tea, likewise, is something that I quite dislike. In almost all teas the flavor is on the back of the palette, making it taste like lightly flavored hot water. I find it almost as bad as Coffee.

So that leave me without those options. I've considered something like miso soup (no tofu or anything) to sip at, but that still clocks in at 50 calories a cup, and I'm hoping for something closer to Tea or Coffee.

Has anyone found anything good like this?

submitted by /u/BeyondElectricDreams
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