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Weight Loss for Everyone: Calorie Counting Education

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Calorie Counting Education

I just wanted to share this with those who get extremely frustrated with calorie counting. 31 M, 6’4” 289 lb. I started my weight loss journey about about 6 weeks ago. Currently down from 303 to 289.

Calorie counting is so tedious. I use MyFitness Pal to count calories and track weigh ins. Great app. You can scan barcodes on food and automatically load it from a database.

Anyway the main reason I have loved calorie counting isn’t so much the counting. It’s the education. It’s really helped me learn about what foods have a high calorie content and what don’t. What type of portion size result in what calories. I usually meal prep for lunch and then pack little snacks for in the morning and afternoon. All planned to stay within the calorie goal. Lo and behold, a cheese-nut-fruit snack pack I have bought forever is actually a crap load of calories.

I also recommend detail tracking on bad days too. For instance a night out drinking or hungover cheat day. Yes you may go over the goal unfortunately without some discipline, but it can show that for instance switching to a light beer compared to IPAs or mixed drinks, can really help cut down the calories, even on bad days.

It’s also helped me get in the habit of either looking on the menu or google’ing what I’m about to order.

Long story short, even if I don’t track every single calorie or miss a day here and there, just having some good general knowledge of what I eat now helps keep me on track.

submitted by /u/BigSas00
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