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Weight Loss for Everyone: Unwanted comments from relatives

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Unwanted comments from relatives

Solidarity to all those who endured unsolicited comments about their bodies, today. It doesn't get much easier, for me, whether the comments are fat shaming or skinny shaming. Despite being a grown-ass career woman and mother of 4, I find that I am still surprisingly sensitive to even the slightest comments.

I was overweight or obese for about 4 years due to pregnancies and struggles with hypothyroidism. After so many years of feeling defeated, fat, tired, and ugly, I've hit on the right combination of discipline, medication to keep my hormones in check, and exercise that I needed to drop 45 lb and hit my "old" weight (5'4", 130 lb). I have a decent muscle mass, so I look lean at this weight, but I'm definitely nowhere close to underweight, either. I feel like a flipping BADASS who worked really hard to get here.

I've lost about 20 lb since my MIL last saw me. She did not make a peep about the first 25! But today? Within 10 minutes, she made a huge fuss to my husband about how I must be doing something unhealthy like taking diet pills or starving myself. I'm a NORMAL WEIGHT and a weight that I was before....when she knew me....for years....the idea that she even could have conceived of me taking some kind of diet pills just really bothers me.

Anyway, I know I'm not alone. Hugs to all of you, wherever you are on the journey, and whatever unkind things were said to you, today. Please remember that your words have a bigger impact than you know.

submitted by /u/Gr8BollsoFire
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